Provision of Offshore Survey, Positioning and Navigation Services for Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) | HGIS

Provision of Offshore Survey, Positioning and Navigation Services for Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP)


project description

HGIS has made its mark in securing a 3+2 years contract with Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) for the Provision of Offshore Survey, Positioning & Navigation services expanding its footprints in Brunei Darussalam.

The contract commencing in Jan 2019 will include support from HGIS’ branch office in Kuala Belait, Brunei which includes a dedicated team of local Bruneians.

“We are extremely proud to have been awarded this contract by BSP. It is indeed a huge recognition to our Safety, Quality and Technical capabilities. This big milestone will further strengthen our position as the leading Geosolutions service provider in this region. HGIS is committed to embark on an integrated planning to efficiently deliver our services safely to the Shell organization in Brunei and Malaysia.” said Mr. Alexis Wan Ullok, Executive Director of HGIS.


OBJECTIVE#1The surface and/or acoustic positioning of drilling rig (including floating drill ship, jack-up, barge rig, semi-submersible or any other type of drilling rig); Other related services such as anchor handling, diving and ROV operations. Platform verification surveys and control points establishment. Any other surveying, navigation and positioning services.

OBJECTIVE#2Seabed Survey Services for Offshore, Nearshore, Inshore, CP Trailing Wire Survey and complete 2D High Resolution Seismic Survey.

features of this project
  • Wide range of capabilities and solutions from shallow to deep water region
  • High Accuracy DGNSS System with decimeter level accuracy
  • Dedicated Analogue Survey equipment onboard Amarco Rintis Vessel
  • Autonomous Surface Vehicle
  • Permanent installation of Positioning & Navigation system support Subsea IRM works
  • Gravity Drop Core soil sampling
  • GIS capabilities in SSDM format.Dedicated Senior Geophysicist and Mapper/Drafter based in Company’s office
  • Broadband Processing for Site Investigation Survey

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